Nowadays, with the growing popularity of smartphones, many market segments have started using mobile applications. The reason for this growing popularity lies in the growing possibilities that mobile applicationsoffer. If we focus specifically on the most popular mobile apps, gaming apps were the most downloaded from the Apple App Store last year.

According to Statista, the gaming apps category dominated the App Store in August 2020 with a share of 21.86%.There are currently 1.96 million mobile apps available in the Apple App Store. In contrast, the average price for iOS apps was $1.02 per app.

In this blog we talk about the most popular app categories that have long dominated the Google Play and Apple app stores.We will also see some keystatistics that support these facts. If you’re thinking about joining the popular app race, be sure to check out the rest of the blog!
statistics with detailed information about the most popular app types

To support the information below about the most popular app categories, let’s take a look at some app category statistics. These facts have beenlisted to give you an idea of ​​the current trends in the app market.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

According to Statista, the gaming apps category ranked first among all popular app types in the App Store in August 2020 with 21.86%.
The second most popular category in Apple’s App Store was business apps with a share of 10.11%.
As of September 2019, the Tools app category covered 99.81% of the global Google Play Store market. This is the highest market share among all major app categories.
The average price of an app in the Apple App Store was $0.94 until August 2020 A report by
Statista shows that 17% of American citizens cannot live without Facebook.
However, instant messaging only accounted for 5% of these users

categories of mobile applications conquering the market

You’ve probably been thinking for some time that gaming apps are market leaders. However, these trends may change over time and as technology advances. In the future, we will talk about the categories that currently dominate the app market and can be useful for developers in their development.

1. Gaming apps

PUBG Mobile was released on February 9, 2018 for Android and iOS devices. Since then, the game has been downloaded 734 million times,according to Sensor Tower’s report.

Another interesting data from Udonis states that the market share of casualgames in 2020 was 58.86%.Furthermore, logic and skill games follow closely at 56.5 and 55.08% respectively. Based on demographic data, Mediakix reports that 37% of mobile gamers are men and 63% are women. This report is based on data provided for 2019.
2. Business applications

As the global lockdown kept everyone at home, businesses thrived. Sincethen, the demand for business applications has continued to grow. Taking Zoom as an example, Sensor Tower statistics show that Zoom surpassed 300 million downloads in the second quarter of 2020 and became one of the most popular mobile apps.

The main purpose of business applications was to facilitate remote working.Therefore, some other apps like Skype, Google Meet and Google Docs also recorded good growth. And as the world is now familiar with the concept of remote working, business applications have a unique opportunity to evolve and adopt this new trend.
3. Educational Applications

Mobile application categories

Education has multiple types of mobile apps serving various purposes such as music learning, exam preparation, study, puzzle gaming, and others. The education segment was one of the most downloaded app categories. Now, to give an example, we can talk about a few statistics here.

Think With Google reports that search terms searched for educational apps, such as “guitar learning app” and “K-12 learning app,” saw an 80% increase in search results. Additionally, the first quarter of 2020 saw an increase in educational app downloads. According to Statista, 466 million and 470 million educational apps were downloaded from Google Play and Apple’s App Store, respectively.

4. Lifestyle app
A 2018 Global Digital Traveler Research survey of
people shows that 61% of U.S. users used smartphones to book and pay for travel.Today the lifestyle segment is huge. In addition to travel, this also includes shopping apps, fitness apps and much more. Sharing specific statistics allows us to get the latest information about market trends for the types of apps that fall into the Lifestyle category.

According to Think With Google, 51% of smartphone users use a brand’s mobile apps when shopping because it is more satisfying and convenient;
According to Statista, the highest customer retention rate in shopping apps was 33.7% over 30 days in August 2020;
In addition, the travel app retention rate was 20% during the same period.

5. Entertainment Apps Among all types of apps, entertainment apps are the most popular if we ignore gaming apps. During Covid-19, the usage of mobile apps such as music apps, video streaming apps, reading apps and radio apps has increased. , According to Statista, Spotify was at the top worldwide in September 2020 with 9.31 million downloads. It leaves behind the YouTube Music application, which takes 4th place.62 million app downloads worldwide In January 2021, Netflix recorded 20 million downloads worldwide, of which 8 million were on iOS and 12 million on Android Types of mobile apps Before I end this blog, it is good to understand the different types of Applications too. The app development process is divided into different categories such as hybrid app development, native apps and web apps.

1. Hybrid Applications

Among all the popular application categories, the advantages of hybrid applications emerge. In other words, apps that can be used on iOS, Android and Windows with a single set of code are called hybrid apps.Modern developers use hybrid applications because the development process is cheaper and requires less maintenance.

2. Native Apps React Native apps are mostly platform specific.

However, these apps may offer more functionality because they are only designed for use on one type of operating system. From a performance perspective, native apps are faster and scalable. 3. Web Apps Mobile web apps require internet and cloud storage to function. These apps are primarily intended for use on different devices. Users love web apps because they don’t have to lose data if they want to use them on multiple devices. Additionally, web applications are used because they are more scalable than their alternatives. Summary We hope you found the blog useful. But before we conclude the blog, let’s take a look at the information about the different app categories that we talked about earlier: , PUBG Mobile has been downloaded 734 million times since its initial release, among other important app categories. Among the various application categories, Zoom recorded the highest number of downloads in the second quarter of 2020 with 300 million downloads . Netflix increased its revenue from PLN 1.36 billion to PLN 15.8 billion in ten years . Among all mobile app categories, gaming apps held the largest market share at 21.86% . Spotify leads the category of most downloaded apps in the music segment: , . These statistics and facts about the mobile app category may be useful to you from a business owner or web developer perspective.As the app market evolves, so do the opportunities in app categories.

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